
Flink Forward 201709所有PPT资料下载

这次整理的PPT来自于2017年09月11日至13日在 Berlin 进行的 Flink forward 会议,这种性质的会议和大家熟知的 Spark summit 类似。本次会议的官方日程参见:https://berlin-2017.flink-forward.org/kb_day/day-1/。因为原始的PPT是在 http://www.slideshare.net/ 网站,这个网站需要翻墙;为了学习交流的方便,这里收集了本次会议所有课下载的PPT(共45个),希望对大家有所帮助。 本次会议讨论包括机器学习、Flink的应用、Flink技术研究以及 Flink 生态等相关的话题。



StreamApprox: Approximate computing for stream analytics in Apache Flink
Talk Python to me: Stream Processing in Your Favourite Language with Beam on Flink
Connecting Apache Flink and the Pravega Stream Store
Stephan Ewen - The State of Flink and how to adopt Stream Processing
Robert Metzger - Keep it going - How to reliably and efficiently operate Apache Flink
Efficiently executing R Dataframes on Flink
creating Flink Jobs with GUI
Taking away customer friction through streaming analytics
From Streams to Tables and Back Again: A Demo of Flink's Table & SQL API
Huawei Cloud Stream Service in Practice
Integrating Flink and Kafka in the standard genomics pipeline
A look at Flink's internal data structures and algorithms for efficient checkpointing
Looking for patterns with Flink CEP library
A time series streaming oriented database optimized for the serving layer
Flink in Containerland
Large Scale User Behavior Analytics by Flink
Fast Data at ING - buidling a streaming data platform with Flink and Kafka
Build a Real-time Stream Processing Pipeline with Apache Flink on AWS
Building End-to-End Exactly-Once Applications with Flink
Parameter Server on Flink, an approach for model-serving parallel machine learning
Using Queryable State to update ML algorithms per datapoint for online gaming
Migration of a realtime stats product from Storm to Flink
Extending Apache Flink stream processing with Apache Samoa machine learning methods
Moving Beyond Moving Bytes
Building a network stack for optimal throughput / low-latency trade-offs
The Approximate Filter, Join, and GroupBy
Flink-Kudu connector: an open source contribution to develop Kappa architectures
A Materialization Engine for Data Integration with Flink
Deploying Flink Jobs as Docker Containers
Drivetribe's Kappa Architecture with Apache Flink
Flink-JPMML: An open source Flink library for streaming machine learning model serving
Cypher-based Graph Pattern Matching in Apache Flink
Complex Event Processing with Flink: The state of FlinkCEP
Interactive real-time visualization for streaming with Apache Flink and Apache Zeppelin
Predictive Maintenance with Apache Flink
Apache Flink meets Apache Mesos and DC/OS
Introducing Flink ML
Do I know you? Real time facial recognition with an Apache Stack
From Apache Flink 1.3 to 1.4
Building and operating large-scale streaming applications at King
Managing State in Apache Flink
data Artisans Product Announcement
Using Stream and Batch Processing with Apache Flink's Relational APIs
Custom, Complex Windows at Scale Using Apache Flink
Python Streaming API


Github: https://github.com/397090770/FlinkForward201709

本文链接: 【Flink Forward 201709所有PPT资料下载】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/2264.html)
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